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Storm Front-Dresden-2/5

By Jim Butcher

A modern day magician, just trying to make the rent.

Most people regard magic as little more than hocus pocus; which is exactly how the magical community likes it, all except for Harry Dresden, the only wizard who advertises in the phonebook, for all the good it’s done him. Then the phone rings; first a missing person, and then a homicide. Ever the opportunist, Harry eagerly accepts both jobs, but soon learns that one may be more than he can handle.

A mini mystery sets the stage, with dabs of humor to add a little characterization before the “big reveal”. Unfortunately the momentum is short lived, as the story swiftly switches into pure exposition, blatantly telling the audience what could easily have been revealed in scene. This becomes a model for the rest of the story, alternating between short scenes that hint at interesting characters, and explanations that serve as both backstory and bridge.

The use of exposition puts a strong emphasis on the narrator, but fails to convey a complex perspective in the character of Harry Dresden, who spends much of the story reiterating familiar ideas, with occasional innovations that are all too fleeting. The story offers a quick read for those who want to relax, but lacks the depth to make it memorable.

*Quick, easy read
*Interesting Characters
*Long descriptions, bordering on excessive
-Simple, predictable plot
-Weak ideas


Next Time…
Mirrors & Thorns Anthology

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