4 Aspects of Stories 100-01

Some authors refer to it as the MICE quotient.
Milieu, the setting or location, the diegetic (fictional) world of the story
Idea, the concept, question, or topic being explored
Event(s), the plot

Other authors refer to it as LOCK
Lead, protagonist, POV character
Objective, goal or motive
Confrontation, obstacles or opposition
Knockout ending, clearly establishing whether the lead succeeded or failed

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General Tips 004-01

Finding the Time
Choose how you’re going to write, whether you prefer to carry a pen and notebook, a recorder to speak into, or a portable computer or smart phone that you can type with. Make sure that whatever you choose fits your needs. It should be small enough for you to comfortably carry it with you and it should be your preferred method or medium for writing. With portable tools you can write anywhere; while waiting for an appointment or meeting, during a break or intermission, or when inspiration randomly strikes.

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