Limited Relationships 105-01

When people hear the word relationship, most think of a romantic and/or sexual relationship, but it’s important to recognize that this represents a small fraction of the relationships that influence every character. In the context of this post, a relationship is any time that one character applies opinions or expectations onto another, whether the other person knows it or not.

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What are stories? Why do we care? 001-01

The audience is introduced to a character with a stable status quo. Something disrupts the status quo, and the character reacts, doing their best to resolve the conflicts brought on by the change. These conflicts raise questions. As the character resolves the questions their perspective changes. They shift from a reactive to a proactive role, or vice versa, as the story moves towards the climactic conclusion. The story narrows to a single event, where the character either chooses or recognizes there is no choice, becoming part of a new status quo.

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